# | 100 Great Games For Windows ME | 100winME | 101 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1 | 123 Free Solitaire | 123free | | 123free.exe | 123free.diz | 123free.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.treecardgames.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@TreeCardGames.com | | |
2 | 2 Hooked | 2hooked | | 32hook11.exe | 2hooked.diz | 2hooked.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.ultisoft.com/2hooked.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ultisoft@mind.net | | |
3 | 3D Screamers | winscream | screamers.exe | | winscream.diz | winscream.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.virtually3d.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@virtually3d.com | | |
4 | 3D Secret Mission | 3DSecretMission | | SMAIep1.exe | 3dsecret.diz | 3dsecret.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.3dstate.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@morfit.com | | |
5 | 3D Ten Thousand | tenthou | | 3dtentho.exe | tenthou.diz | tenthou.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.latticeworksw.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@latticeworksw.com | | |
6 | 5 Star Free Line | lines1 | | lines11.exe | lines1.diz | lines1.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.atomax.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@atomax.com | | |
7 | Alien Hunt | ah | | ah.exe | ah.diz | ah.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.astralent.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info-cs@te.net.ua | | |
8 | Ant Run Pro | antrunpro | | setup.exe | antpro.diz | antpro.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.soleau.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | soleau@soleau.com | | yes |
9 | Ballistyx | balistyx | Ballistyx.exe | | Ballistyx.diz | Ballistyx.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://www.btinternet.com/~jason.brooks/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ddd | | |
10 | Bardusa | Bardusa | bardusa1.exe | | Bardusa.diz | Bardusa.bmp | WIN95 | 3816609 | YES | | bardusa1.hlp | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | lennart.safeguard@aa.telia.no | | yes |
11 | Bhunter | Bhunter | bhunter.exe | | Bhunter.diz | bhunter.bmp | WIN95 | 13112054 | YES | www.globalstarsoftware.com | readme.txt | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | hello@kainai.de | | |
12 | Bike Flyter | bikeflyter | bikeflyter_e.exe | | bike.diz | bike.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://www.kainai.de/english/main1024ie.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | soleau@soleau.com | | |
13 | Bingo Buddies | bingobud | | Setup.exe | bingobud.diz | bingobud.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.soleau.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | geoff@fulop.com | | |
14 | Black Monday | BlackMonday | | Setup.exe | blackmon.diz | blackmon.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.fulop.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ddd | | |
15 | Bomberman | bomberman | bomber.exe | | bomberman.diz | bomberman.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://stuwww.kub.nl/~s527912/bbomber.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | MightyQuarfoth@yahoo.com | | |
16 | Brian Vs The Aliens | bvta | | bvta.exe | bvta.diz | bvta.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.astralent.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@wizardcreations.merseyworld.com | | yes |
17 | Calamari Cubes | Calacubes | Cubes.exe | | Cubes.diz | Cubes.bmp | WIN95 | 6834701 | yes | www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/7161 | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | mvpsoft@compuserve.com | | yes |
18 | Cargo Bay | Cargobay | Cargo.exe | | Cargobay.diz | Cargobay.bmp | WIN95 | 1752142 | yes | www.mvpsoft.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | Jiping@aol.com | | |
19 | Challenge Pool | pool50 | pool.exe | | pool50.diz | pool50.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://members.aol.com/jiping/pool.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | jcarmer@fatmonkey.freewebsites.com | | |
20 | Chillax | chillax | | setup.exe | chillax.diz | chillax.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://window.to/fatmonkey/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | matthias.schuessler@bluewin.ch | | |
21 | Clickomania! | clk | | clk.exe | clk.diz | clk.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.digipress.ch/msc/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | bgd@altavista.net | | |
22 | Conquest of Elysium II | ConquestofElysiumII | coedemo.exe | | conquest.diz | conquest.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.efd.lth.se/~d92jk/coepc.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ddd | | |
23 | Cosmo Dragon | cosmodragon | cd1.exe | | cosmodragon.diz | cosmodragon.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://stuwww.kub.nl/~s527912/bdragon.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sean@spto.demon.co.uk | | |
24 | Critical Mass | critical | critical.exe | | critical.diz | critical.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.spto.demon.co.uk/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | isblum@ibm.net | | |
25 | Cult | cult | | Setup.exe | cult.diz | cult.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.studio-blum.com/cult/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | jbloch@usa.net | | |
26 | Deep Green Reversi | reversi | | reversi.exe | reversi.diz | reversi.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.blochweb.com/reversi.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | mvpsoft@compuserve.com | | yes |
27 | Demonstar | Demonstar | | Demods.exe | Demonstar.diz | Demonstar.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.mking.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | support@interplay.com | | yes |
28 | Die By The Sword | Diesword | dbts_demo.exe | | Diesword.diz | Diesword.bmp | WIN95 | 32096029 | yes | www.interplay.com | readme.txt | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | |
29 | Dig It | Digit | | Begin.exe | Digit.diz | Digit.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.springsoft.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | BradQuick@aol.com | | |
30 | Dirt Bike | dirtbike | Dirtbike.exe | | dirtbike.diz | dirtbike.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://members.aol.com/bradquick/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | support@xgames3d.com | | yes |
31 | Domination | Domination | | dom1.exe | Domination.diz | Domination.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.xgames3d.com | Readme.txt | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | jreville@mistkeep.com | | |
32 | Dragon Castle | dragon | dragoncastle.exe | | dragon.diz | dragon.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.mistkeep.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sales@dexterity.com | | |
33 | Dweep | dweep | | dweep_setup.exe | dweep.diz | dweep.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.dexterity.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | maughan@bigfoot.com | | |
34 | Edge Reversi | edge | edgereversi.exe | | edge.diz | edge.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://home.clara.net/maughan/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sandifer@crmse.sdsu.edu | | |
35 | Everybody Loves A Parade | parade | parade.exe | | parade.diz | parade.bmp | WIN95 | 513000 | YES | http://members.tripod.com/~csandifer/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | psychosoft@juno.com | | yes |
36 | Extacy | Extacy | | Setup.exe | Extacy.diz | Extacy.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://psi.hypermart.net | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sean@spto.demon.co.uk | | |
37 | Firefight | fire | firefight.exe | | fire.diz | fire.bmp | WIN95 | 5360000 | YES | www.spto.demon.co.uk/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ivan@cockrumville.com | | |
38 | Foggywood Hijinx | foggy | Foggywood Hijinx.exe | | foggy.diz | foggy.bmp | WIN95 | 500000 | YES | www.cockrumville.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ffff | | |
39 | Fracas | fracas | | Setup.exe | fracas.diz | fracas.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://home.austin.rr.com/smozzie/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | webmaster@eternityzone.hypermart.net | | |
40 | Futhark | futh | | Setup.exe | futh.diz | futh.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://eternityzone.hypermart.net/futhark.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | gamemakr@hotmail.com | | |
41 | Gap Sk8er 2 | gap | | setup.exe | gap.diz | gap.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://gapsk8er2.8m.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sandifer@crmse.sdsu.edu | | |
42 | George! | george | georgewin.exe | | george.diz | george.bmp | WIN95 | 500000 | YES | http://members.tripod.com/~csandifer/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@atomax.com | | |
43 | Gomoku Pro | gomoku | | gomoku11.exe | gomoku.diz | gomoku.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.atomax.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | squeegee@squeegeesoftware.com | | |
44 | Goofy Golf Deluxe | ggd | | ggd101.exe | ggd.diz | ggd.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.squeegeesoftware.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | squeegee@squeegeesoftware.com | | |
45 | Gopher Golf | GopherGolf122 | GopherGolf.exe | | gg.diz | gg.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.squeegeesoftware.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | siarcg@aol.com | | |
46 | Greed | greed | | setup.exe | greed.diz | greed.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.download.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | hwsol@silvercrk.com | | |
47 | Hardwood Solitaire II: The Enchanted Decks | HardwoodSolitaire | | hwsii17.exe | hardsol.diz | hardsol.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.silvercrk.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | jlstsi@hotmail.com | | |
48 | Henchman I | HenchMan | Henchman.exe | | henchman.diz | henchman.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://jlstsi.homestead.com/main.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | |
49 | Inner Space | Innerspace | | Setup.exe | Innerspace.diz | Innerspace.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.sdispace.com | Eng_help.hlp | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | doug@jamzu.com | | |
50 | Jamzu | jamzu | | setup.exe | jamzu.diz | jamzu.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.jamzu.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | willrkelly@yahoo.com | | |
51 | Jet! | Jet! | Jet!.exe | | jet.diz | jet.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://logicbox.net/jet/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | webmaster@eternityzone.hypermart.net | | |
52 | Jonggy | jong | | setup.exe | jong.diz | jong.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://eternityzone.hypermart.net/jonggy.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sales@dexterity.com | | |
53 | Jumpstar | js | | jssetup.exe | js.diz | js.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.dexterity.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@digitalliquid.com | | |
54 | Just Shoot the thing | justshootthething | JustShoot.exe | | justshoot.diz | justshoot.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://www.digitalliquid.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | scibox@online.nsk.su | | |
55 | Magic Balls | MagicBalls | | MagicBalls.exe | magicballs.diz | magicballs.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.agentix.ekaboka.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sales@plbm.com | | yes |
56 | Monkey Shines | Monkey | | Mssetup.exe | Monkey.diz | Monkey.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.fantasoft.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | karhola@dlc.fi | | |
57 | Monuments of Venus | monumentsofvenus | | Setup.exe | movss.diz | movss.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.dlc.fi/~karhola | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sean@spto.demon.co.uk | | |
58 | Mother Of All Battles | mother | mother.exe | | mother.diz | mother.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.spto.demon.co.uk/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | soleau | | yes |
59 | Noop's Odyssey | Noops | | instnoop.exe | Noops.diz | Noops.bmp | WIN95 | | | | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | isblum@ibm.net | | |
60 | Nuclear Deterrence | nd | | setup.exe | nd.diz | nd.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.studio-blum.com/Games/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | packrat.txt says its OK | | yes |
61 | Oil Cap | Oilcap | Oilcap7.exe | | Oilcap.diz | Oilcap.bmp | WIN95 | | yes | www.soleau.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sandifer@crmse.sdsu.edu | | |
62 | Operate | op | operatewin.exe | | op.diz | op.bmp | WIN95 | 500000 | YES | http://members.tripod.com/~csandifer/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | webmaster@gekkosoft.com | | |
63 | Passage 3 | p3 | | p3e.exe | p3.diz | p3.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.gekkosoft.com/e_pass.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDNO | | | | yes |
64 | Powerboat Racing | Powerboat | | Setup.exe | Powerboat.diz | Powerboat.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.interplay.com | readme.txt | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | djzero@aol.com | | |
65 | Rat Race 2000 | rr2000 | rr2k.exe | | rr2000.diz | rr2000.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://guam.gagames.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | fantasoft1@aol.com | | |
66 | Realmz | realmz | | realmz install.exe | realmz.diz | realmz.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.fantasoft.com/HTML/Realmz_Files/Realmz_HTML/Realmz_Page.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sean@spto.demon.co.uk | | |
67 | Revolution | rev | revolutn.exe | | rev.diz | rev.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.spto.demon.co.uk/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | yes |
68 | Roar | Roar | | Roar.exe | Roar.diz | Roar.bmp | WIN95 | | | | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDNO | | support@interplay.com | | yes |
69 | Sand Warriors | Sandwar | | Install.exe | Sandwar.diz | Sandwar.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.interplay.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | snowball@snowballsoftware.com | | |
70 | Sargot | sargot | | sargot.exe | sargot.diz | sargot.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.snowballsoftware.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | dedes@alivesoft.com | | yes |
71 | Scubaman's Quest | Scubaman | Scuba.exe | | Scubaman.diz | Scubaman.bmp | WIN95 | | yes | | Scuba.txt | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | pcampion@babel.asi.fr | | yes |
72 | Ship Race | Shiprace | Ship.exe | | Shiprace.diz | Shiprace.bmp | WIN95 | | yes | | Readme.txt | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | siarcg@aol.com | | |
73 | SIARCG!'s Pegs | pegs | | setup.exe | pegs.diz | pegs.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.download.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@virtually3d.com | | |
74 | Skatepark | skate | skate.exe | | skate.diz | skate.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.virtually3d.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sean@spto.demon.co.uk | | |
75 | Slay | slay | slay.exe | | slay.diz | slay.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.spto.demon.co.uk/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | info@TreeCardGames.com | | |
76 | Solsuite 2000 | sol | | solsuite.exe | sol.diz | sol.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.treecardgames.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | malfador@crl.com | | |
77 | Space Empires 3 | se | | se3.exe | se.diz | se.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.crl.com/~malfador/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | webmaster@eternityzone.hypermart.net | | |
78 | Space King | sk | | setup.exe | sk.diz | sk.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://eternityzone.hypermart.net/spacekng.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | fjgraphics@xoommail.com | | |
79 | Space Labs | sl | | instal32.exe | sl.diz | sl.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://members.xoom.com/fjgraphics/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sales@plbm.com | | yes |
80 | Splat | Splat | Splat.exe | | Splat.diz | Splat.bmp | WIN95 | | yes | www.plbm.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ronmarie@email.com | | |
81 | Spot The Difference | sd | | setup.exe | sd.diz | sd.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://members.xoom.com/ToonClassix/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ivan@cockrumville.com | | |
82 | Sunset Over Savannah | sos | Sunset Over Savannah.exe | | sos.diz | sos.bmp | WIN95 | 500000 | yes | www.cockrumville.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | gary.smith3@virgin.net | | |
83 | SuperFruit | SuperFruit | | SuperFruit.exe | superfruit.diz | superfruit.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://freespace.virgin.net/gary.smith3/index.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | kevinb@mking.com | | |
84 | Swarm Assault | swarm | | Swarmassaultshr.exe | swarm.diz | swarm.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.mking.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ddd | | |
85 | Tank | tank | tank.exe | | tank.diz | tank.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://stuwww.kub.nl/~s527912/btank.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | mas@maseekamp.de | | |
86 | The Beer War | TheBeerWar | Beer95e.exe | | beer.diz | beer.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | www.maseekamp.de/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | |
87 | The General | gen | | setup.exe | gen.diz | gen.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://newgame.agava.ru/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | mail@realmsoftware.8m.com | | |
88 | Think-A-Lot | tal | Think-A-Lot.exe | | tal.diz | tal.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://realmsoftware.cjb.net/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | support@jvgames.com | | |
89 | Towers II - Plight of the Stargazer | tow | towers2d.exe | | tow.diz | tow.bmp | WIN95 | 1000000 | yes | www.jvgames.com/ | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | yes |
90 | Tumble Bugs | Tumblebugs | | Tb20demo.exe | Tumblebugs.diz | Tumblebugs.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.tumblebugs.com | | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | sberres@pconline.com | | |
91 | U Blew It | ubi | | setup.exe | ubi.diz | ubi.bmp | WIN95 | | | http://www.pconline.com/~sberres/ublewit.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDNO | | | | yes |
92 | Ufo Invasion | Ufo | Ufo.exe | | Ufo.diz | Ufo.bmp | WIN95 | 623236 | yes | www.chesworth.com/megablast/products/ufogame.htm | Readme.txt | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | siarcg@aol.com | | |
93 | Ultimate Darts | ud | | setup.exe | ud.diz | ud.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.siarcg.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ssv@familygames.com | | |
94 | Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine | awm | | awm_inst32.exe | awm.diz | awm.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.familygames.com/plaza/aha.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ssv@familygames.com | | |
95 | Valvo | val | | vlv_inst32.exe | val.diz | val.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.familygames.com/plaza/aha.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDNO | | readme1st file - says it OK | | yes |
96 | Vanguard Ace | Vanguard | Vanguard.exe | | Vanguard.diz | Vanguard.bmp | WIN95 | 6303554 | yes | http://angelfire.com/id/imaginative/ | Readme.doc | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | ssv@familygames.com | | |
97 | Venables | ven | | ven_inst32.exe | ven.diz | ven.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.familygames.com/plaza/aha.html | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | feedback@synthetic-reality.com | | |
98 | Well of Souls | wellsofsouls | | WellOfSouls.exe | wellofsouls.diz | wellofsouls.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.synthetic-reality.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | yes |
99 | Whiplash | Whiplash | Whip.exe | | Whiplash.diz | Whiplash.bmp | WIN95 | 8137876 | yes | www.interplay.com | Read.me | no | no | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | http://eternityzone.hypermart.net/wurzgez.htm | | |
100 | Wurzgez | wurz | wurzgez.exe | | wurz.diz | wurz.bmp | WIN95 | | YES | http://eternityzone.hypermart.net/wurzgez.htm | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | yes |
101 | Xarlor | Xarlor | | xarlorshr.exe | xarlor.diz | xarlor.bmp | WIN95 | | | www.mking.com | | NO | NO | WIN95RUN | WINNTRUN | | CDRUN | | | | yes